Here are valuable reference sources and hot links to help those of you who attend Scratchboard 101 presented by Judy Lavoie… and to help anyone else looking for great scratchboarding information!
References and Resources:
Ampersand Art, Supplier of Aquabord™, Scratchbord™, Claybord™, other art panels, tools, inks, and great source of information:
Ampersand blog post about Aquabord™
Aquabord 101
Ampersand supplier for the UK, with a good blog post on scratchboards and other panels:
Extraordinary Surfaces for Your Art

Father of Modern Scratchboarding: Charles Ewing
International Society of Scratchboard Artists
– visit the galleries pages for magnificent scratchboard art by ISSA members
The World’s Best Scratchboards in Annual Shows of the International Society of Scratchboard Artists
Videos on Scratchboarding to purchase from the International Society of Scratchboard Artists
Supplier of complete line of Ampersand Art™ panels, tools, inks, paints, x-acto knives and blades, etc. (plus all the arts and craft supplies you could ever need!):
Jerry’s Artarama of Knoxville
5220 Homberg Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
Fiber Brushes, on Amazon:
Extra Thin Fiberglass Scratch Brush
Extra Thin Fiberglass Scratch Brush Refills, 12 pack
Fiberglass Scratch Pen Brush
Fiberglass Scratch Brush Refills, 24 pack
Scalpels with Retractable Stainless Steel Blade, Size #12, Sterile (Scientific Labwares brand, box of 10)
Tattoo Needles and holders (shown to the right:)
3-Way Tattoo Needle Holder with 3 sample needles (Pinklou brand)
2 types of Tattoo “Eyebrow” Needles (50 total), on Amazon (fits above holder)
Ginger Gehres Scratchboards
Christine Trites Scratchboards of Animals
Diana Lee Scratchboards (Also search her name in for her two how-to books)
Scratchbord Art by Kendall King
Patrick Hedges Scratchboards of Wildlife and Portraits
Lorna Hannett Scratchboard Art
Cathy Sheeter Fine Art
Steve Hammond
Sheryl Unwin
Gordon Corrins Wildlife Art
Sandrine Curtiss Aquabord & Scratchbord scratchboards, You-Tube instructional videos:
Lori Dunn Scratchboard Art
Conor Smith
Ali Cavanaugh Modern Fresco Paintings (on Aquabord®)
Martiena Richter Scratchboard Engravings
Painting on Aquabord with Golden Fluid Acrylics (includes a video) by Elizabeth St. Hilaire:
Underpainting Tutorial on Aquabord
Step by step photos on scratchboarding by Susan Black
Watercolors on Aquabord® (and other media and surfaces) by Karen Vernon
Karen’s Aquabord® tips
Slide show and videos of scratchboard process by Ann Ranlett (
Go to Scratchboard Art forum:, search “scratchboards”
YouTube videos:
Tips for Using Watercolor on Aquabord® by Jenny Granberry
Ampersand Video by Blick Art Materials on YouTube
Using Aquabord®
Ampersand Claybord – Ultra-smooth Painting Panel
Time Lapse Demo on painting a Raspberry Macaron on Aquabord by Sandrine Curtiss
Paint Along with Larry Hamilton Watercolor on Aquabord®
Scratchbord How-To video by Nolan Clark (nearly 2 hours long):
Scraperboard Beginner Tutorial
Scratchboard Time-Lapse Video by Lara Surring (11 minutes)
Scratchboard Jaguar Time-Lapse
Speed drawing of tabby cat on Scratchboard by Karen Hull (scratching and colored water soluble pencil painting) (5 minutes)
Incredible Tabby Cat Scratch Board Speed Drawing
For fabulous reference photos of nature, there is a great source specifically for artists’ use. Exceptional quality, hundreds to choose from, very inexpensive, and usage is royalty-free, which means once you purchase a digital photo you can use it as an art reference as many times as you like without any additional fee. Go to “Wildlife Reference Photos For Artists” for photos of wildlife, domestic animals, flowers, land and seascapes, skies, butterflies, aquatic life and still life. If your use fits their “terms of use,” (which seem very straightforward) you pay $10 to download 5 high resolution photos during a 31 day period. NOTE: Paypal is the only payment accepted. The family-based company is located in the UK, with photographers contributing from all over the world.
The New Scratchboard, Clay-Surface Techniques and Materials for Today’s Artists by Charles Ewing
The Red Fox by Sandra Haynes
Scratchboard 101 GOODIE BAG contents:
Bags donated by Jerry’s Artarama
Aquabord® panel with Tips & Techniques
– donated by Ampersand Art
Scratchbord® panel with Tips & Techniques
– donated by Ampersand Art
Pentel Graphic Artist Black Technica Pen
– donated by Jerry’s Artarama of Knoxville
25% Off Coupon
– from Jerry’s Artarama of Knoxville
Excel K1 Knife with safety cap
Tattoo Needles:
“7RL” – 7 tiny needles in a circle &
“5F” – 5 needles in a line
Melissa & Doug:
Black on White Scratch Art Card 2.5″ x 3.5″
Melissa & Doug:
Black Rainbow Scratch Art Card 3.5″ square
Wood Scratching Stylus Stick
Alcohol Pad
Thanks for joining me and happy scratchboarding!