Judy has experienced many milestones as an artist since she began painting in 1980. Recognition and awards have come through open shows, juried exhibitions, and popular vote. Judy is grateful, humble, and proud that she has the ability to attain these honors by doing something she simply loves to do.
Entering art competitions adds another dimension to creating fine art. Judy is a natural competitor; she learned at a young age that competing is a great motivator to challenge herself. Winning brings affirmation that you're doing something right, while losing encourages you to try harder... at least that's how it works for Judy.
Over the years, Judy has worked in watercolors, acrylics, and scratchboards - and all have met with honors. She has received acceptance to shows amongst international entries, awards ranging from honorable mention to best of show, people's choice prizes, invitations to represent national art manufacturers, and glowing comments from jurors. Judy was also singled out as Artist of the Year for a national annual event and presented a solo show of her work at a major museum of art.
Even with such acclaim, the ultimate satisfaction for Judy is when any one person tells her how happy her artwork makes them feel.
Now Showing
Judy is honored to be the focus of an episode of Hand Made, a series produced by the Tellico Village Network. “Hand Made: Scratchboard” features her as a Scratchboard Artist, filmed in her studio. The video explores Judy's art background and how she developed her interest and ability to use black scratchboards as a unique surface for her paintings. Watch it here.
Judy will be the speaker at the Art Guild of Tellico Village's monthly meeting on March 20, 2025, presenting "Scratchbord™ Wolf, Step-by-Step". The Art Guild meets at the Blue Heron Yacht Club, starting at 9:45am. Non-members are welcome as guests.
- "Perfectionist" has won the “Two-Dimensional Award of Merit” (which is 2nd place after Best of Show) at the Oak Ridge Open Show 2024. The juror, David Underwood, said this about the scratchboard: "The detail and accurate rendition of the subject in this piece is exquisite. This piece is evidence of great drawing skill along with expertise of the chosen medium."
- "Puppy Love" has received the Region II Award in the 2024 Biennial Exhibition of the Tennessee Watercolor Society
- "Perfectionist" and "Baby Boomer" are both among the top five vote-getters in the People's Choice Awards in the 2024 Art Show of the Art Guild of Tellico Village in Tennessee.
- "Hillbilly" has received the "4:02 Memorial Award" in the 2023 Exhibition of the International Society of Scratchboard Artists
- "Breeding Plumage" has received the Sisyphus Award “for exceptionally or maniacally detailed work in any medium" at the Oak Ridge Open Show 2023.
- "Anna's Fairy Duster" and "Baby Boomer" are both among the top five vote-getters in the People's Choice Awards in the 2023 annual Art Show of the Art Guild of Tellico Village in Tennessee.
- "I Love A Challenge" won a Merit Award in the show of the Art Guild of Tellico Village in Knoxville TN: "As We Interpret Our World," in October 2023.
- "Baby Boomer" received 2nd Place "Award of Excellence" in the Tennessee Watercolor Society's 2023 Online Exhibition, as one of only 40 works chosen for the show. Juror Mary Ann Beckwith said this to Judy: "Congratulations! I love your work and found it very fresh and beautifully executed. Your design is sensitive and so well done. As much as I know you must plan carefully your composition, it feels very spontaneous, fresh and innovative! My goal for the show was to select the best work in all styles or genres. Work like yours made that easy. Congratulations! Well deserved!"
- "I Will Twine" was awarded "Juror's Citation" in the 2023 biennial "No Bigger Than a Breadbox!" exhibition in Knoxville TN during April 2023
- "Breeding Plumage" received the "Award of Merit," at the Arts in the Airport Exhibition, held at McGhee-Tyson Airport, Knoxville TN, from Oct 2022 to April 2023. Juror Terri Jordan gave 3 prizes: Best of Show and two equal Awards of Merit.
- "Perfectionist" was awarded "Award of Excellence" in the Open Division of the 11th Annual Exhibition of the International Scratchboard Society (ISSA), held in December 2022 at the Art Center Manatee in Bradenton, Florida.
- "The Bearded Fiddler" has been awarded the Jane Johnson Memorial Award for excellence in any medium that depicts musical references, at the 2022 Oak Ridge Open Show, Oak Ridge TN.
- "I Will Twine" has been awarded 2nd Place in the Active Division in the 2022 Online Show of the International Society of Scratchboard Artists (ISSA), Judy's first international award.
- "Remembrance" was voted one of five equal "People's Choice" awards at the 2022 Art Show of the Tellico Village Art Guild in Loudon, TN in May 2022.
- Honorable Mention in the 2021 Tennessee Watercolor Society 50th Anniversary Online Exhibition for "Distress"
- Viewers' Choice Award and Honorable Mention Award, Oak Ridge (TN) Open Show 2019 for "Heart to Heart"
- 2019 Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage Artist of the Year for the Great Smoky Mountains - with Judy's wildflower painting "Bloodroot" selected as the featured image for this nationally renowned annual event
- BEST IN SHOW: "Eat Chicken," Tennessee Watercolor Society 2018 Biennial Exhibition
- Best Watercolor People's Choice Award "Grandpa's Fiddle Break," Art Guild of Tellico Village (TN) 2018 Spring Art Show
- Beauty of Watermedia Award for "In The Spotlight", Tennessee Watercolor Society 2016 Biennial Exhibition
- Region I Prize for "Jerry Van, Music Man", Tennessee Watercolor Society 2012 Biennial Exhibition
- Past President's Prize for "Jesus Saves," Tennessee Watercolor Society 2012 Biennial Exhibition
- Region IV Award for "Decadence," Tennessee Watercolor Society 2010 Biennial Exhibition
- Finalist and Popular Vote Winner "April in Paradise," Dogwood Arts Festival 2009
- Honorable Mention, "Rose Medallion" Fall 2000 Exhibit, Jacksonville FL Watercolor Society
- Award of Excellence, "Out in Elkton", Members Show, St. Augustine Art Association, May 2000
- Memorial Award, "Satisfaction", Fall 1999 Exhibit, Jacksonville FL Watercolor Society
- Award of Distinction, "Molly-By-The-Sea", St. Augustine Art Association Members Show, Spring 1999
- Equal Award "Princess Darla" Animals Show, St. Augustine Art Association, March 1998
- 1st Merit Award "Cleaning the Conch" Fall 1997 Exhibit, Jacksonville Watercolor Society
- Bertha Nichols Award: "Nana's Rocker", Florida Watercolor Society, 1997 Exhibition
- BEST IN SHOW: "Nana's Rocker" Fall 1996 Exhibition, Jacksonville FL Watercolor Society
- Equal Award: "Catching Some Rays" Flora/Fauna Show, St. Aug. Art Assc, April 1996
- Wayne Sessions Award: "More Than We Think They Know", Fl. Watercolor Society, 1995
- Merit Award: "Charlotte Street, St. Augustine", Jacksonville Watercolor Society, 1995
- Honorable Mention Award: "Shirley's Zinnias", Members Show, St. Aug. Art Assc., 1995
- Honorable Mention Award: "Charlotte St., St. Augustine" Honors Show, SAAA, June 1995
- 3rd Place : "Rodrigues-Avero-Sanchez House", Watercolor & Pastel, SAAA, Jan 1995
- People's Choice Award: "The Waiting Room", Watercolor & Pastel, SAAA, Jan 1995
- Honorable Mention Award: "Blue Angels" Florida Show, St. Aug. Art Assc., Dec. 1994
- Mention Award: "Heron on San Julian Marsh", St. Aug. Art Assc., Spring 1994

Group Exhibitions and Competitions
National Juried Exhibition
- 18th annual juried competition, 45 selected from 471 entries, in Knoxville TN - "Perfectionist"
- 17th annual juried competition, 46 selected from 432 entries, in Knoxville TN - "Baby Boomer"
International Society of Scratchboard Artists (ISSA)
- 12th Annual International Exhibition, Tucson AZ - "Hillbilly"
- 2023 Online Member Show - "Black Swan," "Loves Me, Loves Me Not"
- 11th Annual International Exhibition, Bradento FL - "Perfectionist," "How Sweet It Is"
- 2022 Online Member Show - "I Will Twine," "Silly Selfie"
- 2020 Online Member Show - "Purple Cow," "Heart To Heart"
- 9th Annual International Exhibition, Tuscon AZ, 2020 - "Ruby Throated Hummer," "Locked In TIme"
Arts In The Airport, McGhee Tyson Airport, Knoxville TN
- 2023 April-October - "Perfectionist," scratchboard, included among only 44 chosen by Juror Claudio Gómez from 706 entries, submitted by 180 artists residing in the 33 counties of East Tennessee.
- 2022 October-April 2023 - "Breeding Plumage," scratchboard with inks, selected among only 44 chosen by Juror Terri Jordan from 566 entries, submitted by 147 artists residing in the 33 counties of East Tennessee.
- 2022 April-October - Two paintings selected among only 41 chosen by Juror Althea Murphy-Price, “Baby Boomer” and “Honeysuckle,” each created in transparent watercolors on Aquabord™, from 498 entries, submitted by 133 artists.
- 2019 April-October - "Remembrance," transparent watercolor on paper, selected among only 41 chosen by Juror Caroline Covington from 484 entries.
Tennessee Watercolor Society
- 2024 Juried Biennial Exhibition (Juror Don Andrews), 50 watercolors chosen - "Puppy Love"
- 2023 East Tennessee Regional Members' Show & Sale, Athens Art Center, Athens TN
- 2023 Juried Online Exhibition, 40 watercolors chosen (Juror Mary Ann Beckwith) - "Baby Boomer" 2nd Prize Award of Excellence
- 2022 Juried Biennial Exhibition (Juror Stan Miller), 60 watercolors chosen - "Blackberry Blossom"
- 2021 Watermedia Paintings by East Tennessee Artists, Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville TN
- 2021 East Tennessee Regional Members' Show & Sale, Athens Art Center, Athens TN
- 2021 Juried 50th Anniversary Online Exhibition, 50 watercolors chosen (Juror Cathy Hillegas) - "Distress" awarded Honorable Mention
- 2020 Juried Biennial Exhibition (Juror Soon Y Warren) - "What A Wonderful World"
- 2019 Knoxville & Chattanooga Regional Members' Show & Sale, Athens Art Center, Athens TN
- 2019 Juried Online Exhibition, 30 watercolors chosen (Juror Steve Rogers) - "Happy Harley"
- 2018 Juried Biennial Exhibition (Juror Lian Quan Zhen) - "Eat Chicken" awarded BEST IN SHOW
- 2016 Juried Biennial Exhibition (Juror John Salminen) - "In The Spotlight" awarded Beauty of Watermedia Award
- 2014 Juried Biennial Exhibition (Juror Pat Dews) - [only one painting per artist accepted for this and future biennial exhibitions] - "Elles Tobacco Planter"
- 2012 Juried Biennial Exhibition (Juror Gerald F. Brommer) - "Jerry Van, Music Man" winner of Region I Award, and "Jesus Saves" winner of Past President's Award
- 2010 Juried Biennial Exhibition (Juror George James) - "Decadence" winner of Region IV Award, and Nature Paints a Picture also accepted
- 2008 Juried Biennial Exhibition (Juror Cheng-Khee Chee) - "Out to Pasture"
Southern Watercolor Society (members from 18 states and the District of Columbia)
- 2020 Exhibition (Juror Mark Mehaffey) - "Like A Rainbow"
Georgia Watercolor Society
- 2020 41st National Exhibition (Juror Linda Baker) - "Sorghum Maker"
- 2020 Annual Members Exhibition (Juror Pat Dews) - "Honeysuckle"
Oak Ridge (TN) Annual Open Show
- 2024 Juried Exhibition (Juror David Underwood) - "Perfectionist"
- 2023 Juried Exhibition (Juror Stephen Wicks) - "Breeding Plumage", winner of the Sisyphus Award
- 2022 Juried Exhibition (Juror Richard Mills) - "The Bearded Fiddler", winner of the Jane Johnson Award
- 2021 Juried Exhibition (Juror Andrew Glasgow) - "Ruby Throated Hummer"
- 2020 Juried Exhibition (Juror Kim Winkle) - "Heart of Gold"
- 2019 Juried Exhibition (Juror Victoria Boone) - "Sorghum Maker" and "Heart to Heart" accepted; Viewers' Choice Award and Honorable Mention Award to Heart to Heart; Judy was one of only 11 out of 93 artists to have two entries chosen.
- 2018 Juried Exhibition (Juror Richard Mills) - "Sunny Side Up"
Art Guild of Tellico Village (Loudon TN)
- 2024 Annual Exhibition, "Perfectionist" and "The Bearded Fiddler" in the top 5 vote-getters for People's Choice Award
- 2023 Juried Exhibition at the Emporium (Juror Kimberly Winkle) - "I Love A Challenge" and "Blackberry Blossom"
- 2023 Annual Exhibition, "Anna's Fairy Duster" and "Baby Boomer" in the top 5 vote-getters for People's Choice Award
- 2022 Annual Exhibition, "Remembrance" in the top 5 vote-getters for People's Choice Award
- 2018 Annual Exhibition, Art Guild of Tellico Village - "Grandpa's Fiddle Break" awarded Best Watercolor Peoples' Choice Award
Dogwood Arts 2009 Regional Fine Art Exhibition, Knoxville TN, one of 75 selected from 450+ entries (Juror Karlota Contreras-Koterbay) - Nature Paints A Picture
Dogwood Arts Festival 2009 Limited Edition Print Exhibition and Competition, Finalist and winner of online popular vote - April in Paradise
Florida Watercolor Society (only 100 paintings are chosen for annual exhibition)
- 2000 Annual Juried Exhibit (Juror Martha Mans)
- 1998 Annual Juried Exhibit (Juror Don Getz)
- 1997 Annual Juried Exhibit (Juror Louise Cadillac), Bertha Nichols Award
- 1995 Annual Juried Exhibit (Juror Robert Wade), The Wayne Sessions Award
- 1994 Annual Juried Exhibit (Juror Marilyn Hughey Phillis)
Jacksonville (Florida) Watercolor Society
- Fall 1996 Exhibition, BEST IN SHOW (Juror Joe McFadden) - Nana's Rocker
- Juried Shows 1994-2004, with numerous awards
St. Augustine (Florida) Art Association
- Numerous Juried, Group and Honors Shows 1993-2004, numerous awards
Southeastern Watercolor VIII, juried show, 1995 (Juror Miles Batt)
"Watercolor on Claybord™ & Aquabord™" - powerpoint presentation, presented to Tn Watercolor Society and Art Guild of Tellico Village, 2023
"Scratchboard Start to Finish" - Watch the creation of Judy's "Silly Selfie" watercolor on black Scratchbord™. (view the Video)
"Claybord 101 - The Ultimate Art Surface" - powerpoint presentation on Zoom, 2021, Art Guild of Tellico Village, Tennessee (view the Video)
"Scratchboard 101" Workshop, 2019 - powerpoint presentation, lecture, demo and lesson
"Anatomy of a Watercolor" powerpoint presentation and lecture, 2019, Art Guild of Tellico Village, Tennessee (view the Video)
"When I'm 64" powerpoint presentation and lecture, 2019, Rarity Bay Women's Club, Tennessee
"The Nerdy Artist" powerpoint presentation and lecture, 2017, Art Guild of Tellico Village, Tennessee
"Portrait of an Artist" slide show and lecture, 2008 Art Guild of Tellico Village, Tennessee

Solo Shows
- The Art Gallery at Rarity Bay, Vonore TN, "Making Our Marks," January-March 2024.
- The Customs House Museum, Clarksville, TN, October-December 2021 in an exhibit title "Interactions," with 19 original paintings including watercolors, acrylics, and scratchboards.
- Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg TN, March-April 2019, as 2019 Spring Pilgrimage Wildflower Artist of the Year
- The Art Gallery at Rarity Bay, Vonore TN, "Through Her Eyes," April-June, 2019
- Tellico Art Center, Tellico Plains TN, January 2015
- Tellico Art Center, Tellico Plains TN, January 2013
- Butterfield Garage Art Gallery, St. Augustine FL, March 2004
- Artist of the Year, 2002, Jacksonville (FL) Watercolor Society
- Tellico Art Center, Tellico Plains TN, December 2001
- Joaneda House Gallery, St. Augustine FL, September 1999
- P.A.St.A. Gallery, June 1995
- Crescent Beach Art Gallery, Cresent Beach FL, July 1995

SPLASH 21, Capturing Mood - The Best of Watercolor. "Cow's In The Corn" featured among 129 watercolors, chosen from 1476 entries submitted from around the world. Published August 2020.
AcrylicWorks 7 - "When She Was Three," featured as one of 105 winners out of 900 entries in this 100+ page special publication. Each acrylic painting with the artist's commentary. Published August 2020.
Book Cover of A GUIDE TO HISTORIC ST. AUGUSTINE FLORIDA, published 2007 by The History Press, features Judy's painting "Bayfront St. Augustine."
"Nana's Rocker" included in POURING LIGHT - Layering Transparent Watercolor by Jean Grastorf, published 2005, North Light Books.

Designations of Distinction
Art Ambassador, Ampersand Arts (one of only 50 chosen)
Signature Member, Tennessee Watercolor Society
Signature Member, Florida Watercolor Society
Signature Member, Jacksonville Watercolor Society, Jacksonville, Florida
2019 Artist of the Year for the annual Great Smoky Mountains Wildflower Pilgrimage
International Society of Scratchboard Artists (ISSA)
Tennessee Watercolor Society
Art Guild of Tellico Village, Loudon, Tennessee
Judy's Artwork is displayed for sale at...
Gallery at Fuller's Frame Shop, Athens, Tennessee (originals, prints framed and unframed, notecards)
The Farmhouse Inn, Tellico Plains, Tennessee (prints and originals)
Timeless Treasures, Tellico Plains, Tennessee (notecards and prints)
Gift Shop, Customs House Museum, Clarksville, Tennessee (notecards and prints)
Lowell University, Lowell, MA - Masters Program, 1978, Grade Point Average 4.0
Bradford College, Bradford, MA - B.A. in Creative Arts, 1976, Summa Cum Laude (grade point average above 4.0 - due to an "A+" in 3-Dimensional Design!)
High School Valedictorian