Judy welcomes commissions to paint beloved pets, homes, special places, landscapes, and other subjects dear to your heart. These paintings are offered in acrylic on canvas. Choose the painting size, the dominant colors, horizontal or vertical format - all customizable to your preferences. Judy can paint the artwork to accent colors in your decor too. Judy paints from reference photos, and often combines numerous photos to create a custom art piece. Hints on taking photos for use as references are below.
A custom painting also makes a wonderful gift - Judy has created surprise paintings for birthdays, Christmas, and anniversaries. Contact Judy for more information on commissioned custom artwork.

"Every time I walk into the room and see the painting I am absolutely floored... it stuns my brain to think my dog is looking at me. It means so much, and I don't know the words to use to describe what you've done... superb... stellar... exceptional. It touches my heart and I thank you so much." - Bob, speaking of Judy's portrait of his beloved "Baron"
Commissioned Painting Price Schedule
Commissioned paintings are created as acrylic paintings on stretched canvas, unframed. The canvas can be "gallery-wrap" style, with the staples on the back; Judy can paint the sides, attach hanging hardware to the stretchers and the painting can be hung without framing. With appropriate reference photos (see tips below), Judy may consider a commission done on a scratchboard panel, on a different price schedule than below.
NOTE: Depending upon the complexity of the subject, Judy may need to vary the price from those below, and would inform you of this prior to beginning any work. For commissioned paintings which include one or more people, add 50% to the prices below.
Other sizes are also available; these are standard prestretched canvas sizes. Format can be horizontal or vertical.
20" x 24" - $1000
16" x 20" - $750
12" x 16" - $600
11" x 14" - $475
8" x 10" - $400
Pet portraits work well in the smaller sizes listed. For some architectural paintings, Judy will only do in a minimum size of 16" x 20", due to the detailing.
PLEASE NOTE: Copyright laws state that even if you own an original painting, you do not own the copyrights and do not have the right to duplicate it without the copyright owner's permission, that owner being the artist. If there is a need, Judy will consider transfer of full copyrights for a commissioned painting, for an additional fee.
Note: Prices do not include framing. Shipping costs not included.
TIPS on Providing Photos
The better the reference info, the better the painting. Digital images, taken at the highest possible resolution, are preferred. If possible, Judy will take reference photos of your subject free of charge. If you are taking the photos as reference for Judy to create your custom painting, here are some tips to provide quality, well composed photos:
For Pet Portraits: Take lots of photos of your pet and choose the ones which are the expression, pose and view you like best. If you want to show your pet in a particular setting (on a chair, on a beach, etc.) you can provide photos of the setting without the pet and often Judy can combine them. Judy prefers to take photos of pets outdoors without a flash to avoid the big "red eye" effect; an overcast day is better than bright sunshine. If indoors is necessary, try to position the pet near a window of bright light and set the camera for no flash. It is also best to get at eye-level with the pet, not standing above looking down at his/her face... makes for a much more personal view. You might have to lie belly-down on the ground, but it will be worth it! Take loads of photos, since pets don't always give their full attention. Also take some close ups of just the head. Judy can ignore leashes and other items you might need to use for the photo session. If there's a particular characteristic you don't want Judy to miss or you want to emphasize, like a nick in your dog's tongue or a tuft of fur on top of your cat's head, please note that and photograph it. Shoot your photos in the "fine" or highest resolution mode your camera allows. Review and edit out bad photos and provide the best ones to Judy. If you are using old photos or only have prints, send the negatives if available, with the largest prints you have.
For House Portraits: Photograph the house when the view you want in the painting is in maximum light. If there's a particular detail you don't want Judy to miss or you want to emphasize, please note that. Include any special details you might like Judy to add, even if they are not really there, like your initials carved in a tree or your dog in the window.
For other custom paintings, the more visual input you can provide Judy, the better, including your own photos; paintings by others with a style, colors, point of view or other elements pleasing to you; photos or color swatches from the room the finished painting will hang in; and other references you think might help.

Payments and Schedule
Upon the signing of Judy’s standard Commissioned Artwork Agreement, a non-refundable deposit of 33% will be required, and Judy will proceed with the preliminary steps of the artwork. This initial deposit is non-refundable, unless Judy terminates the commission before work has started. The commission may be terminated by the client at no cost if no work has been started on the project. If the client refuses to accept the artwork for any reason, Judy retains the artwork and the initial deposit. Payment in full of the balance of 67% is due upon the completion of the painting.
Judy keeps her commission client apprised of progress via email or in person, as conditions allow. Client input is encouraged. Judy does her best to have the artwork completed in a timely fashion. As Judy reaches the point she considers near completion, the client will have an opportunity to review the art. Sometimes changes are not possible, but Judy does the best to accommodate the client's wishes. If minor changes are requested at this point, there will be no additional charge. Major changes are subject to additional charges, which would be discussed between the parties prior to any modifications being performed. Upon approval, Judy signs the artwork and applies any protective finishes. After the work is completed if the client is dissatisfied and does not wish to purchase the work, Judy will retain the refused artwork and the nonrefundable deposit, and Judy has full rights to sell the refused artwork.
NOTE the artist, Judy, retains copyrights, including all reproduction rights, to commissioned paintings unless other arrangements are made in writing between Judy and the client. Judy will notify the client of any plans to create reproductions of the artwork.
Commissions are an investment and a treasure to own. Judy's pet portraits of loving companions who have passed provide happy memories to their owners. Judy's house portraits preserve precious thoughts of special people and gatherings. Other commissioned paintings are considered gems, illustrating the owner's most cherished moments, possessions or life events. Judy looks forward to creating more pieces which will stay with a family forever.